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should you use PowerPoint 2002?
following article is a transcript from a our video product, "Intro
to Powerpoint XP."
Why should you use PowerPoint? That's a good question. Before we begin
this extensive PowerPoint course, let's answer a couple of important questions:
1. What is PowerPoint?
Basically, PowerPoint is a software package that allows you to create
professional multimedia presentations. As opposed to the traditional presentation
formats (such as slide projectors), PowerPoint has many of advantages:
- Many viewing options: You can view your presentation
in many different places … on a computer monitor, LCD projector,
and you can even export your show onto the web.
- Printing: You can easily print copies of your slides
and hand them out to your audience. This is great for teachers and educators,
and students like it because they don't have to take as many notes.
- Fast updates: You can update and fix your presentation
at a moments notice (even minutes before your live presentation). No
need to run to Kinko’s to have new (and expensive) slides prepared
2. What else can PowerPoint
PowerPoint also allows you to insert multimedia elements that could never
be duplicated with projector slides. Some of these include:
- Transitions: You can make fancy transitions between
your slides.
- Animations: A great new addition to PowerPoint 2002
are animations that make your text and pictures zoom around the screen
and jump into place.
- Audio/Video: You can insert audio/video directly
onto a presentation slide. This makes your presentation seamless as
you no longer have to bring along a VHS player with you.
Overall, PowerPoint is a great program. It’s easy to learn, and
is "required knowledge" for anyone who gives presentations.
Next: What's
New in PowerPoint 2002?
Or: See all our PowerPoint tutorials!
Go right ahead! You can even copy and
use the pictures. We only ask that you include the following sentence
(and link) at the bottom of the article: |
You can find
more useful PowerPoint tips-and-tricks like this one at www.mightycoach.com
- they even have an online-video course that teaches you to use PowerPoint
in only a few hours! |