exactly is this PowerPoint training?
We’ve put together an entire video course on PowerPoint that you can
watch online. The course covers all the basics, such as:
- Creating your first slide
- Using pre-made templates
- Previewing your show
- Printing audience handouts
After mastering basic skills, we then show you more advanced multimedia
features like:
- Inserting clipart and photos
- Using PowerPoint’s drawing tools
- Inserting sound and video clips
Each video runs approximately 3-5 minutes and can be watched in whatever
order you like. If you want to learn PowerPoint in one evening, just watch
all the videos at once. Or you could take your time and spread your learning
over a few weeks.
Why use MightyCoach’s PowerPoint training?
Video is a revolutionary way of learning computer software as it’s
easier to understand video than to read thick text books. You’ll
actually watch and listen to a qualified instructor as he creates a PowerPoint
presentation before your eyes.
Different About these Videos?
Your teacher for this series is Dr. Timothy Root, an experienced PowerPoint
presenter and educator who cuts through the “geek speak” and
walks you through the entire creation process. Dr. Root understands the
value of your time and he has designed these videos to teach you the “ins
and outs” of PowerPoint with as little effort as possible.
to Install!
Because the videos are delivered via streaming video onto a webpage, there
is no software to clutter your computer or take up hard drive space. Plus,
you can access the videos from any computer connected to the web –
watch the videos at home, in the office, or even at a friend’s house.
Delivery …
You don’t need to wait for a book to arrive in the mail …
get instant access to the online videos that you can watch right away.
There’s no need to wait for the mail, and no shipping fees to pay.
You can order and start learning PowerPoint right now.
