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PowerPoint slides and navigating them
The following article is a transcript from a our video product, "Intro
to Powerpoint XP."
Now that we’ve chosen a template and saved our presentation, let’s
add some slides. But how do we do it? There’s actually three ways,
and over time you’ll start to favor one of them:
- Go to the file menu, click [Insert - New Slide] (for
the logical mind)
- Go to top toolbar, find the “new slide” button (for the
visual mind)
- Type the keyboard shortcut [Control + M] (for the
robotic personality)

When you add a new slide, PowerPoint wants to know what “slide
layout” you prefer. Slides have different layouts, or arrangement
of text and objects … i.e. a title slide looks different than a
“normal” slide.
You can pick and change these layouts by going to the “apply slide
layout” pane in the task pane. There are a lot of slide formats
we can choose from, such as ...

- Title Slide -- text is placed in the middle of slide
- Text Slide -- slide title is on top, with information
text underneath
- Blank Slide -- an uncluttered slide that you can
insert anything you want (commonly used with pictures).
- Preformatted slide -- layouts that already have
a place for other content, such as pictures, graphs, and videos.
After we've
picked a slide type and added some text, let’s preview our presentation
full screen. To preview, go to the menu-bar and pick [Slide Show
- View Show]. The keyboard shortcut for this is [F5].
Because you'll be previewing your slides often, you may want to remember
this [F5] shortcut!
While viewing your show full-screen, you can navigate slide-to-slide
by clicking the left and right arrow keys. When you are done previewing
and wish to return to the normal view, simply click on the [escape]
Next: Working
in Outline View ...
Or: See all our PowerPoint tutorials!
Go right ahead! You can even copy and
use the pictures. We only ask that you include the following sentence
(and link) at the bottom of the article: |
You can find
more useful PowerPoint tips-and-tricks like this one at www.mightycoach.com
- they even have an online-video course that teaches you to use PowerPoint
in only a few hours! |